Welcome to our website "EUROPEAN MUSICAL PORTOFOLIO"

European Musical Portofolio is a project focused on the adaptation of the European Languages Portfolio (ELP) to the Musical Area with five different European countries involved. In order to enhance the quality and the European dimension of teacher training, we want to develop a Comenius Programme based on the elaboration of a Musical Portfolio. We would like to establish a Common European Frame of Reference for music. During two years we will design materials, varying from handmade to digital formats and our pupils will fill out the Biography, Dossier and Passport. We want to keep a record in musical progress and show the student what he or she already knows and what they can do with music. We also intend an approach to the musical culture for our students and getting them involved in the teaching-learning process creating some of the required materials. Our project will cover two main functions:
1) Informative function: It shows information about the musical level of our pupils related to a Common European Frame of Reference.
2) Pedalogical function: It shows a detailled analysis about the way our pupils learn.

Each school has a different curriculum, but the activities of the Comenius Project will integrated in the same manner because European educational objectives are the same to all schools.
Musical Portofolio can be integrated into Music- We will study similarities and differences between the curriculum from all the partners and we will integrate all the activities in the Common Reference frame of Music. We will learn about musical instruments, authors and representative folklore from all the countries involved.
Arts and Craft - the art curriculum of all participating schools, offering them flexibility to choose the materials used.
Foreign Language curriculum - to learn new words, to find out more about European cultural dimension
Science - in the chapter "Sounds"
ICT and Multi-Media Education - pupils will achieve minimal level of using computer for attaining the purpose of the project. The aim of the project is that pupils to be capable of exploring and participating in web communication.
English Foreign Language - used in communication. Teachers will help pupils to develop their skill in using English to express themselves and also translate their mother tongue. For example music and language go hand in hand in the many activities of the project such as Christmas Greetings, Dances Folk - Songs.
Social and civic - our topic directly explores the concept of citizenship by linking it to the heritage which influenced the past, the present and will also affect the future. Each school will identify and integrate the disadvantaged ethnic groups in the activities of the project because their musical heritage is an important part of European cultural heritage.  


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